
Fast Start - Sales pages

STEP 1: Watch video

Each step will have a short training video, then action steps to take below.

STEP 2: Create your products

On your dashboard - go to MARKETING > PRODUCTS, and create 3 products:
1. Main product (any price or settings)
2. Order bump product (will go right on the checkout form)
3. Upsell product (will go on a secondary page on another step)


ONE TIME OFFER : One of the gratest ways to totally dominate any market is for your prospects to see you EVERYWHERE. And right now, you can access my OMNIPRESENCE training that shows you how to do just that: Create Celebrity positioning in your marketplace by being everywhere your prospects turn. This training has never been released as a standalone training before ... and was previously only available as part of a $3,997 class. But you can get immediate access today for just $27. Check the box above to add this to your order.


  • Main Product

    Main Product Product Description...
  • Total

    USD $5.00


Test Card Details

Card Number: 4242424242424242
Expiration Date: 12/34
CVV: 123
ZIP: 10001

STEP 3: Add a checkout form to this page, and connect your products

Feel free to change the fields, design, and colors.

STEP 4: Move to the next lesson

Your content goes here